Your Personal AI Health Care Assistant – (here shortly)

Image thx to Dall-E 3

Personal AI assistants are already showing up via smart chatbots that have been fed with appropriate data uploads. The chat bot can respond in an intelligent fashion from the corpus of data that was uploaded. May seem cute at first, but this is just the beginning.

We are quickly moving towards having a singe AI assistant that will learn all about us and become our central conduit to knowledge and will serve as our chief-AI agent (i.e. personal CEO?) when interacting with people, the web and the world. Before that happens, we will first see many specialized AI Assistants. One area that will soon see such specialized AI Assistants in action is health care.

Time Magazine recently put out an article on a new collaboration between Open-AI’s Sam Altman and Ariana Huffington.

“…Thrive AI Health, the company the OpenAI Startup Fund and Thrive Global are jointly funding to build a customized, hyper-personalized AI health coach that will be available as a mobile app and also within Thrive Global’s enterprise products. It will be trained on the best peer-reviewed science as well as Thrive’s behavior change methodology—including Microsteps, which are tiny daily acts that cumulatively lead to healthier habits” from AI-Driven Behavior Change Could Transform Health Care | TIME

While having a health care phone app may not seem too innovative, this is different. Imagine having a team of medical specialists looking after you 24/7 and making personalized recommendations to optimize your health! The AI Medical Assistant here will learn all about you, and will be in touch with all the latest medical knowledge. The ability of AI to stay current with all current and future medical advances easily outpaces any human medical team since it will be completely personalized and will continue to learn your health specifics. While I expect there will be recommendations to use such an app in collaboration with your human physician, who would you soon likely trust more to identify your optimal medical needs?

Coming soon to your local app store!


Live long, live well, & prosper

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