Technology is dehumanizing, will replace most jobs, will lead to massive unemployment (Yuval Noah Harari’s “Unless Class”) and is moving faster than we can keep up leading to risks of human extinction (think AI-enabled bio-terrorists, ‘autonomous killer drones’ or super-AI that see humans as pond scum worthy of elimination). OOORRR…
Technology enables humankind to solve our global problems and will introduce a new age of abundance for all with unlimited healthy life extension, no need to work except at what we desire for personal fulfillment, profound human enhancements while enjoying a rejuvenated earth environment and infinite virtual realities to explore .
The future is thought
Attitudes regarding the future often suffer a form of “idee fixe” – namely, a notion that the future exists and is pulling us towards it. Instead, the “future” does not exist as a predetermined thing or reality “out there”. Rather, we imagine what the future may be. It is in the realm of imagination or “thinking”. Meanwhile, whatever we think of is a conceptual fabrication. Our ideas about the future are reflections of our limited ability to project – colored by our biases, hopes and fears.
We can steer it
This blog explores the implications of exponential technological advances on our notions and plans for our life and retirement. But also, I seek to share helpful perspectives and insights on how we might steer our reality towards more positive outcomes. With things changing so fast, there is a temptation to think we can only be observers, “sit in our armchair” and watch as the world spins out the next episodes. But in fact, we are all participating in how things unfold. Our attitudes and actions are greatly what determines our future reality.
Choose your thought leaders carefully
In order to take meaningful and helpful action, however, we need clear thinking and informed perspective. Maybe artificial intelligence will eventually enhance our abilities of reason and insight, but for now, it is up to us. Towards that end, it is good to seek out, and learn from thought leaders who are in touch with the tremendous impacts that technological advances may have on our lives and our world.
Two thought leaders I thoroughly enjoy reading are Ray Kurzweil and Yuval Noah Harari. Kurzweil’s “The Singularity Is Near” and other works have had a profound effect on my thinking and inspired this blog. Later, Harari’s three books (Sapiens, Homo Deus, 21 Lessons for the 221st Century) on the past, future and present of humanity have been similarly profound for me and millions of readers. Kurzweil is skillful in outlining the directions, potential and positives of exponential technologies, while Harari has admitted to focusing more on the challenges and possible negative outcomes of the age of technological acceleration.
A third mentor for me has been Peter Diamandis, co-founder of Singularity University. He leads the “Abundance 360” initiative, and I am a member of the A360 Digital community – an online version of this high-level program. Diamandis is definitely on the optimist side of technology’s potential. But really, his focus is on helping us examine and use the god-like powers of exponential technologies for good, while steering us towards thinking big and using them to solve the world’s grand challenges.
While there are many other influential thought leaders I enjoy, the above three are perhaps the most influential for me at this juncture. I highly recommend reading some of their works – or at least – search for some of their YouTube presentations!
Live long, live well and prosper!
Here are a few links to start with;
- https://youtu.be/SaOfLtoaKqw
- https://youtu.be/4ChHc5jhZxs
- https://youtu.be/CiLmyA-gAZk