Global Future 2045 – Check Out These Promo Videos from Kurzweil, Diamandis, Church, Martin and Others

GF2045 Incredible Speaker Lineup

Check out this amazing lineup of speakers at the upcoming GF2045 Congress – a “future of humanity”, singularity-and-related-topics conference.

You can already watch a number of short but excellent videos as they were  recorded to highlight speakers’ thoughts on the key themes they will address at the conference. (I’ve put links to several of the videos below – worth checking out).

I’ll be heading off to attend this event and learn from this outstanding line-up of speakers. Some of the biggest names in artificial intelligence, genetics, technology, and future studies will be presenting. It looks to be a great conversation on many of the topics that will transform our lives, industries and culture in the (not too distant) future.  I look forward to sharing with you some of the key insights when I’m back.
As mentioned, there are some great YouTube videos with some of the speakers talking about the conference and their areas of expertise and research. Check out these excellent short clips from Ray Kurzweil, George Church, Peter Diamandis and James Martin. Just click on the photos to be taken to the YouTube video. 
Pete Diamandis
George Church
Ray Kurzweil

There are a number of other videos and a full listing of the speakers at this link;

Stay tuned for more updates – ensure you have signed up for email notices when new content goes up here.

Cheers,  Michael



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