One of the 6 Steps in the R.E.C.I.P.E. formula I discuss in my Retirement Singularity: End of Retirement FREE Report (coming out very soon) is the idea that we should have money set aside to pay for new medical treatments that are not available in our country and/or covered under medical plans (assuming we have a medical plan!).
One current example of this is stem cell therapy.
Category: Retirement Planning
Nov 29 2012
Why You Should Be Ready to Fund Experimental Treatments
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Nov 13 2012
Radical Life Extension, Global Economics and Your Retirement
How would radical life extension affect the world economy? Chief Science Officer of the SENS Foundation, Aubrey de Grey, explains how the economic benefits would far outweigh any economic turbulence that might arise in a post-aging world. Will you be able to afford these expenses in your retirement?
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Oct 02 2012
3D Printing; Creative AND Destructive Technology
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Sep 24 2012
How Technology Will Impact Your Financial Future
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Mar 29 2012
Radical Life Extension and Your Retirement Plan
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Mar 13 2012
Nano-swimmers and Life Extention
One of the more fantastic seeming predictions having to do with extreme life extention involves the use of microscopic nanobots swimming around in our bloodstream monitoring our health, clearing debris and toxins and keeping us healthy from the inside out. So far this month, a number of reports show how medical technologies are actually working …
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May 11 2011
The NEW “New Retirement” and 5 “Need To’s”
The prospect of extreme longevity will change, yet again, how we think about the notion of retirement. This is “RetirementSingularity”. The idea of “The New Retirement” refers to a shift in how many of us are thinking about retirement. The old version went like this; You go to school, you get a job, you work and save money for …
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Feb 03 2011
Elements of Your Retirement Plan
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