Category: Invest for the Singularity

Singularity University’s Salim Ismail on the Age of Technological Disruption

Creative Destruction on the way! This 5-minute interview with Salim Ismail is a great run-down of how technology will cause significant disruptions. Important to see this coming so we can be ready to adapt – and perhaps “surf” the changes, Vs. getting swamped. Retirement Singularity focuses on personal and financial implications to help you survive and thrive.

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Jason Silva on Convergence of InfoTech BioTech & NanoTech

Technology is advancing at an increasing rate. One phenomenon that fuels this is the overlapping of technologies. This convergence of technologies will accelerate change and will likely surprise us in its impacts to our daily lives in the years ahead. We live in interesting times!

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3D Printing; Creative AND Destructive Technology

3D Printing is a Creative AND Disruptive technology whose time has nearly come. 3D Printing or “additive manufacturing” is rapidly approaching the price / utility point of being a truly creative AND disruptive force in manufacturing, retail and nearly all areas of the economy.

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How Technology Will Impact Your Financial Future

Because of the way we think about the future, we typically under-estimate the impact of exponential changes. Technology is advancing exponentially. Partly because the new technology is used to create the more powerful successor. How is this, and will this, show up in our financial lives?

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Making Your Money Last; The Sequence of Return Risk

When you are withdrawing money from a portfolio, the SEQUENCE of Investment Returns will have a strong impact on how much money you have left, and how quickly it could run out if you don’t watch it.

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Elements of Your Retirement Plan

Retirement Planning contains many elements. The approaching Singularity will change every element.

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Retirement Planning implications of Kurzweil’s Singularity

The post provides insights on the Retirement Implications of Kurzweil’s Singularity.

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Business as usual NOT

The merging of technology and humans will create some major interpersonal disruptions that will effect all levels of society.

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Retirement Planning – Longevity Risk and How to Reduce It

In a world of radically extended life expectancies, the risk of running out of money in your lifetime increase dramatically. Time to think ahead!

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